POPCON ASIA 2013 adalah konvensi dari segala macam Pop Culture di Indonesia seperti desain grafis dan ilustrasi, designer & custom toys, seni rupa dan desain, serta berbagai studio game dan komikus serta berbagai pelaku usaha di bidang kreatif dalam konteks Pop Culture. selengkapnya setelah jeda berikut
POPCON ASIA 2013 is a convention of every Pop Culture in Indonesia such as graphic design and illustraion, designer & custom toys, visual art and design, as well as game studios, comic creators and the business people of creative field. more after the break
custom toys at the convention, always interesting
toyz toyz toyz... LEGO
SHFiguarts at MULTI Toys booth
HEBRING by MAIN studios
POPCON ASIA artist alley
custom toys from Brotherhood of toys... good stuff, seriously good and expensive designer toys!
Aaron woes Martin, a toys designer from singapore, his custom stuffs are good!
sonny angel will make you happy... seriously?
creepy wood troll at the convention, although creepy, i kinda like it!

went there with some friends, left to right : Iqbal , Karisma, Arya, Edi, myself
secara keseluruhan, POPCON ASIA 2013 adalah sebuah konvensi yang sangat menyegarkan untuk dihadiri, bahkan bisa dikatakan sangat menginspirasi, setelah melihat banyak sekali mainan custom dan designer toys, saya merasa ingin membuat sendiri karakter saya, dan mengcustom mereka menjadi mainan... untuk memuaskan jiwa lebih jauh! sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan!
overall POPCON ASIA 2013 was a refreshing convention to be attending, in fact it is a very inspiring one, after seeing so many custom and designer toys, i feel like making my own characters, customing the into toys... satisfying my soul even further! well see y'all later on the next post
don't forget to visit my other gallery over at http://dejivrur.deviantart.com
dejivruR... over&out!!
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